THE GREAT MISSION was set up to fund International Evangelistic and Missions Initiatives

The Great Mission

The Gospel of Grace to 196 nations by 2033
We sponsor Evangelistic Campaigns

We are holing "Nights of Hope" in cities across Brazil. Thousands have come to hear the good news of God's grace, and many have been healed. We follow the example of the first evangelist Philip in Acts Chapter 8 who went to Samaria to preach Christ. The scriptures say that "there was great joy in that city."
Each year we mobilise teams of evangelists to help us on our "Tours of Hope". On these tours we hold presentations in schools and "Nights of Hope" in town squares of multiple cities.

Would you like to join us for a tour?
We fund
Activate Conferences
The purpose of these events is to awaken the prophetic calling in each beleiver, equip the with gisft of the Spirit and empower them to be highly fruitful. We are holding these conferences across Brazil and abroad.
We support an Online Academy
All those who are saved at our events receive a free booklet called "Welcome to the Family!"

They are then directed to become members of a local church and given free acces to our online Academy.

At Giles Academy many courses are offered including:
  • Anointed Teenagers
  • There is power in your testimony
  • Wonderful Worship Services
  • Ministry of miracles
We back Missionary Evangelists
We are reaching as many people as possible by all means possible with the best and most important message a person can hear.

To do this we have launched Project 196 with the intention of raising up an evangelist in every nation of the earth (196 nations) in the next 10 years.

See below for more info on PROJECT 196
We pay for
Evangelistic Tools
Using our "7 Good Things - Leader`s Manual" we movilized beleivers to share the gospel through seven dynamic presentations in schools, houses and businesses. Many of these groups become cell groups of local churches.

Other materials include: "The 11th Question - the spiritual evaluation test". Tens of thousands have been led to the Lord through these booklets that have been printed and distributed for free in citywide campaigns.
We give to people in need
Over the years we have support an orphan project that takes in street kids and children that have been removed from abusive or addicted parents and gives them a loving environment.

Recently big floods in the south of Brazil swept away houses and businesses in 385 towns with all their possessions leaving the people destitute. We sent aid to them in the form of material donations and raising funds to buy water, food, essential clothing, and medical aid (pharmacies were destroyed and many with chronic illnesses could not obtain medicines).

Working together to fill up heaven

You can transform the lives of unreached people in Brazil & beyond by sponsoring our missions and missionaries.
What New Believers, Pastors & Partners are Saying
  • William - Mato Grosso
    New Believer
    "I was full of resistance and arguments and only went to the event in secret to spy out what they were doing. But whilst there, I had a real encounter with Jesus. He literally crossed my path and turned my life around. From that moment I've felt free for eternity."
  • Paul Addison - London
    Monthly Partner
    "I support Giles and Silvie in the great work that they are doing in ministering to the poor and preaching the gospel around the world. Since becoming a financial partner, I have seen my own business grow from strength to strength."
  • James - São Paulo
    Leader of Church Plant
    "After doing the training we held a 7 Good Things Campaign using the material. As a result we took 171 new people to our Encounter with God camp."
  • Vanessa - Cuiaba
    Conference Participant
    "I've been a believer for 37 years and I have never seen manifestations of God so real and strong like I did yesterday with Pastor Giles. I'm still reeling from it, thinking how God uses his life to transfer His power to others. It was an atmosphere of healing and the life of God."
  • Matthew - Goianesia
    Evangelist's Immersion
    "After I went to the immersion, God has done great things: my network won 25 people at an encounter weekend. 15 others were baptized in the Holy Spirit in my cell group.
    I believe the anointing was transferred and this is just the beginning!"
  • Tim, UK
    Monthly Partner
    Tim so wanted to support TGM that he became an ambassador by faith! At the time he did not have much, but he committed to give and raise donations. He says: "That action of my heart turned the taps on. My biggest business contract to date came through shortly afterwards."
What is Project 196?
Nations with a TGM Missionary/Evangelist
People reached
Number of Missionary/Evangelists trained and sposnsored by TGM
Project 196
International Evangelists
Some of the names and faces have been removed to protect the identities of our missionaries who operate in persecuted countries
  • Kazakhstan - Arnur
    He accepted Jesus Christ in 1998. Was a missionary in Africa 2017 - 2019, Studied in a seminar in 2019 to 2022 in Brazil at the Vineyard Church. Now he is doing a mission in Kazakhstan.
  • Zambia - Collins
    "Last year was challenging, however we are doing more outreaches! Recently, 15 people have given their lives to Jesus."
  • Peru - Eloi
    "The Good News was ministered and proclaimed in the cities and different towns.
    49 people listened to the gospel were converted during the Day of the Death which is a traditional celebration in Peru."
  • Tanzania - Frank
    Frank is the Pastor of the Vine Church Tanzania. He will be doing TGM evangelistic campaigns with his church and training disciples to become evangelists.
  • Kazakhstan - Hamit
    He accepted Jesus Christ when he was 9 years old. Was a missionary in Africa 2017 - 2019, Studied in a seminar in 2019 to 2022 in Brazil at the Vineyard Church. Now he is planting churches in Kazakhstan.
  • Kenya - Hillary
    Hillary is a Pastor from the Vine Church with an evangelistic calling. He is representing TGM in Kenya and raising up evangelist in his church to do the same.
  • Kazakhstan - Nygmat
    He is a missionary evangelist who decided to follow Jesus Christ when he was 18 years old. Was a missionary in Africa 2017 - 2019, Studied in a seminar in 2019 to 2022 in Brazil at the Vineyard Church. Now he has returned to Kazakhstan to plant churches.
  • Turkey - Salomao
    Salomao and his wife Auriana are a young Brazilian couple how answered the call to start a church in Turkey. They are being trained by Giles in soul winning.
  • Uganda - Stephen
    "We've just put on a powerful Encounter with God Weekend!
    The results were:
    - 43 new converts
    - 23 people were baptized"
  • Colombia - Thomas
    Thomas left Colombia and now he is in Brazil walking with Giles Stevens while studying at the Bible School of Vine Church. Soon he is going back to his country to spread the Good News.
  • United States - Titus
    Titus is the son of Giles Stevens and he has been working for TGM for the last three years. He is in Oklahoma beggining an evangilisitic movement in the USA.
  • Bangladesh - G
    "Last year I preached the gospel and six people got baptized.
    Also, 30 people heard the gospel now they are coming into our cell group"
  • India - P
    "For the year a total of 66 people got saved which includes both Hyderabad and the region of AP state. Also, 21 pastors are training with us in our ministry."
  • India - R
    "In the end of last year we baptized five members and in march 10th four more people already were baptized."
  • Kazakhstan -D
    "Before coming to Christ I was in Islam. For almost four years I studied the Bible and compared it with the Koran. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I rejoice when I tell people about Christ. There is nothing more important than this in my life."
  • Nepal - P
    "Two families have accepted Jesus and we have begun church."
  • Pakistan - S
    "I had almost six mission trips and preached the gospel in different places and near 500 people heard the gospel through our ministry."
  • Tajiskistan - U
    "15 people come to home groups every week."