
We are holding Miracle Cruzades!

Up until the end of 2019 we were holding many crusades in Brazil. We called them "Grace Festivals". We would first train the local church to spend the week evangelising the area with us and then hold a two night event in a park or square.

We saw many miracles and healings and the power of God manifested strongly. The blind saw, many paralytics walked and cancers disappeared!

The greatest miracle of all though, was the number of people who gave their lives to Jesus! We held a ten week crusade campaign in the city of Goiania were over 10,000 people were saved!

Now that we can move freely again and hold events we are charging forward.
The Lord has shown favour and already provided a means for us to hold crusades in various towns and cities in the state of Goias. We have been offered a truck which converts into a large stage.
So we can just park and preach!

Our plan is to meet with local Pastors in various towns and equip them to hold a city wide event. We will park the truck in the largest square and plunder hell and fill up heaven!

God is preparing to move, make sure to not miss out! Pray that thousands of people will be healed, saved, and transformed through these meetings.
2022-05-16 17:11